ETS iBT Testing: Confidentiality
Statements Must be Completed by Examinees and Sent to ETS by the Center
You are receiving this message because you
are the primary e-mail contact for your ETS STN test center.
Please share this information with
the other staff members at your center.
Confidentiality Statements are an important part
of the testing process. Your center agreed to follow all policies and procedures
by signing the CTAS Terms and Conditions agreement. Please ensure that your
center complies with the following requirements. Failure to comply may affect
future testing at your site and/or test taker's scores may be canceled.
1. It is mandatory that test center
administrators require every TOEFL examinee to complete and sign a
Confidentiality Statement during the check-in process.
To print Confidentiality Statements, use the "Print
Statements" links provided in the STNCenter application. The links appear on the
Finish screen at the end of Readiness Checks and Test Setup and on the Home page
after you have completed Test Setup.
2. STN test centers are required to send
completed examinee Confidentiality Statements to ETS once per month.
If you currently
have any completed Confidentiality Statements stored at your center, please ship
them to ETS now. In the future, send completed Confidentiality Statements once
per month immediately after your last TOEFL test administration of the month.
Enclose one completed Administrator's Report Form
in each package of Confidentiality Statements that you ship to ETS. The file
attached to this message contains the shipping address and instructions (page 1)
and an Administrator's Report Form (page 2).
Thank you for your attention to these important